female student

Testimonial 11

Lo que me gusta de mi escuela St. Thomas more es nuestras maestras nos enseñan los idiomas que no conocíamos y nos ponen trabajos para aprender muchas cosas y hacemos actividades de ciencias y muy divertidas y cuando hay un festejo lo hacen con mi familia.

female student

Testimonial 8

St. Thomas More teach[es] me about Jesus. My teachers are very nice and we have a library with lots of books with a lot of information in them.

Male student

Testimonial 7

Lo que me gusta de mi escuela St. Thomas More es cuando hacemos actividades dinámicas para aprender a convivir con todos y experimentar nuevas cosas haciendo trabajos en equipo y que nos enseñan a prender más.

male student

Testimonial 9

Lo que me gusta de mi escuela St. Thomas More es cuando es invierno y hay nieve y salimos a jugar en un tiempo de descanso y mis maestras nos enseñan a leer y cantar y aprender muchas cosas y nos festejan y conocemos ahí de diosito.

Female student

Testimonial 4

I love that my teachers are very kind and they are always there to help us. I have lots of friends from different grades. I love going to Mass on Wednesdays and learning about my faith every day. It helps me to be a better person.

staff member

Testimonial 5

We work very hard to help students know that we value their culture and bilingualism. Bilingualism is a blessing, and I work hard to help assure that our students see it that way as well.

student closeup

Testimonial 3

St. Thomas More is a good school. I always want to keep learning, and I’m able to do that here. I feel comfortable here, and I know that I can trust the teachers to do a great job.


Testimonial 2

My students get to experience skills in both languages and are encouraged to adapt them to the best of their abilities. It is my mission to help them grow academically in both languages.